Basic information

I was born on July 6th, 1972 in México City, CDMX (former D.F.).

I’m interested in Science, Technology, Politics & Human behaviour. I love Music, Cinema, Photography & Web design.


➔ Education

  • 1996 B.A. in Communication Sciences - ITESO University, Guadalajara México.
  • 2012 M.A. in Communication of Science & Culture - ITESO University, Guadalajara México.

➔ Work experience

  • 1999 – 2020 Web Designer & Web Content Manager. “Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla” Library. ITESO University. 97 – 2003 University’s Web Portal Content Manager. ITESO University.
  • 99 – 2001; 2011 Reference librarian. ITESO University.
  • 2007 – 2008 Reference librarian. “Cultural Centre Library”. Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Mexico.

➔ Skills & Capabilities

Technical ✒

  • Web content administration with Drupal & WordPress.
  • Documentation of projects and procedures.
  • GUI customization (theming) of Repositories, Catalogs & Integrated Library Systems like Aleph, DSpace & Vufind.
  • Work comfortably with Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Communication ✒

  • Translate user needs into system features or customize system functionalities to accomplish user needs.
  • Facilitate effective and meaningful communication, by mediating the request and response process between developers, staff, and end users of online information systems.
  • Improve User Experience (UX) through Usability testing.

For more info

More info about configuring Academic Pages can be found in the guide. The guides for the Minimal Mistakes theme (which this theme was forked from) might also be helpful.

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