# Basic Information ```{image} img/LOAO_CV_profile_small.png :alt: Profile :class: bg-primary :width: 200px :align: left ``` ##### **Name** Leobardo Oscar Alcántara Ocaña I was born on July 6th, 1972 in México City, CDMX (former D.F.).

```{eval-rst} .. dropdown:: CONTACT .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: e-mail **leobardooscar@gmail.com** **leobardo@iteso.mx** .. tab-item:: Social Networks X (former Twitter). .. code-block:: https://x.com/joshua_w_d Github .. code-block:: https://github.com/leobardooscar/ ``` --- #### ➔ **Academic degrees** + **1996** B.A. in Communication Sciences - ITESO University, Guadalajara México. + **2012** M.A. in Communication of Science & Culture - ITESO University, Guadalajara México. --- #### ➔ **Work experience** + **1999 – 2020** Web Designer & Web Content Manager. “Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla” Library. ITESO University. 97 – 2003 University's Web Portal Content Manager. ITESO University. + **99 – 2001; 2011** Reference librarian. ITESO University. + **2007 – 2008** Reference librarian. "Cultural Centre Library". Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Mexico. --- ### ➔ **Skills & Capabilities** #### Technical ✒ + Web content administration with Drupal & WordPress. + Documentation of projects and procedures. + GUI customization (theming) of Repositories, Catalogs & Integrated Library Systems like Aleph, DSpace & Vufind. + Work comfortably with Windows, Mac, or Linux. #### Communication ✒ + Facilitate effective and meaningful communication, by mediating the request and response process between developers, staff, and end users of online information systems.